Welcome to the all-new desijockeys.com. We are very pleased to present you with our brand new, modern and interactive website, where you can be kept up to date about our events, services and offers.
From here you are able to follow us easily on the most popular social media channels such as Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Sound Cloud and more. Which is your favourite?
Be sure to keep an eye on our YouTube channel where we will post videos of our events and other music videos we are sure you will enjoy.
Make sure you also sign up to our newsletter for our email alerts on campaigns and offers.
And if you thought we only did weddings then think again – we also do corporate events and thoroughly enjoy working with local companies to make your events extra special.
You may also notice we have an updated logo and icon, though we have kept our orange and black theme that so many of you identify with us. As ever, our intention is to be the best Asian Wedding DJ in Manchester.
Many thanks to our web designer VR Designs for all the hard work and creativity behind the website.